AIDS Walk San Francisco With Cal ACS

Sunday, July 21, 2024

You can still donate on-line.

Report from Past-Chair Atefeh Taheri: This year marked the second time the Cal ACS team participated in the SF AIDS Walk, and it was another successful and memorable event for our group. Leading the charge were myself, our 2023 Chair (past Chair), and Alex Madonik our Chair-elect (2025 Chair). Our small but diverse group came together to walk in solidarity, showing our commitment to the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Despite the Bay Area experiencing unusually hot weather in recent weeks, San Francisco offered us a very nice and pleasant day. The weather was perfect for walking, making the event even more enjoyable for everyone involved. Our team had a great time walking together, sharing stories, and enjoying the beautiful scenery of Golden Gate Park.

One of the highlights of our group – at least for me- was having my 3-month-old son in a stroller with us, who might have been the youngest participant in this year’s walk. We also had two dogs, the furry children of our group, adding to the diverse and inclusive atmosphere. It was heartwarming to see both familiar faces from last year and new folks joining our team.

Meet at the Robin Williams Meadow, Golden Gate Park

8:00 a.m. – Check-In opens and Red Ribbon Pancake Breakfast begins
(open to all fundraising participants)
10:00a.m. –  Pre-Walk Festivities – Look for the Cal ACS sign board!
10:30a.m.  – 5K Walk Begins
12:00p.m. –  3:00p.m.  Post Walk Picnic