Ethics is a core value of the ACS
The American Chemical Society Committee on Ethics (ETHX)

The Committee on Ethics provides and promotes resources and activities that educate, guide, and recognize chemists in ethical decision making.
Awards offered by the Committee on Ethics
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) – required training for all U.S.-funded research

Webinar presented on 22 February 2024 by Philip DeShong, Professor emeritus in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry and in the Division of Research, University of Maryland, College Park
Download the webinar slides
Listen to the Zoom recording.
Over the past two decades, the teaching of Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR, previously called Professional Ethics) has become a regular curriculum item for both undergraduates, graduate students, and dedicated research professionals, including faculty, at academic institutions. These educational programs have been mandated in part by increased regulatory requirements from federal funding agencies, but also by larger professional and societal demands on the university. In this seminar, he will discuss the evolution of RCR education at academic institutions and how the University of Maryland has implemented an integrated approach to RCR education beginning at the undergraduate level and continuing into the highest levels of the university’s research program. Full report HERE.
All U.S. research-funding agencies take RCR training very seriously — see, for example, the requirements on the NIH web site.