Hyundai Women in STEM Scholarship

Tun Scholarship Index

Scholarship Ease ★★★★★

Scholarship Amount ★★★★★

Overall Rating ★★★★★

Scholarship Summary

Write an essay of 500 words or more on what ways you think the future of mobility can be improved to better serve communities and enhance quality of life through STEM-related solutions.

About Hyundai

Hyundai exists to make a richer journey possible for all by investing in the future of women in the STEM fields that will help shape it. By taking bold steps toward technology, sustainable mobility, and autonomy, we can all look forward to a brighter tomorrow. Let’s work together to drive positive change and shape the journey toward a sustainable future.

Eligible Recipients

High school seniors and college undergraduates who identify as female, reside in the United States, and wish to pursue a STEM-related field of education.

2023 Essay Question

Hyundai exists to make a richer journey possible for all. Write an essay of 500 words or more on what ways you think the future of mobility can be improved to better serve communities and enhance quality of life through STEM-related solutions.

Scholarship Amount

Five scholarships in the amount of $10,000 each

Application Deadline

June 30, 2023 (winners will be announced by August 31, 2023)