Cal ACS WCC Wins ChemLuminary Award – Outstanding Local Section Event

Cal ACS and East Bay AWIS co-hosted Dr. Sherine Obare on 04 August 2020 for this award-winning event. Her theme was “Successful STEM Women of Color Must Network Differently.” Here is the recording of the event.

We were also finalists for the Outstanding Local Section Industry Event for another virtual event co-organized with AWIS East Bay, featuring Dr. Kirk Nass of Chevron.  Here is the recording of that event.

Additionally, we were finalists for “Outstanding Performance Awards – Large Size Category” and “Best New Senior Chemists Activity within a Local Section.” Other sections won these awards, but we were honored as finalists.

Congratulations to the Women Chemists Committee and to Outreach Volunteer of the Year Atefeh Taheri!