Join Cal ACS at the Solano Ave Sidewalk-a-Faire on Sunday, September 12th, 10 AM to 5 PM
Look for our canopy at the corner of Solano Avenue and Santa Fe Avenue – there will be colorful chemistry demonstrations and SAFE, hands-on activities for kids, with plenty of souvenirs as we get ready to celebrate
National Chemistry Week 2021, “Fast or Slow, Chemistry Makes It Go.”
The Sidewalk-a-Faire will offer fun for everyone, with special offers from local merchants, vendors, and community group.
Please contact the Cal ACS NCW Coordinator if you have questions, and hope to see you there!

Alex Bruefach To decompose hydrogen peroxide, you need a catalyst! Elephant’s Toothpaste More safety goggles! Michael Cheng Alll eyes on the iodine clock reaction Alll eyes on the iodine clock reaction UV-sensitive beads in sunlight UV-sensitive beads after 15 seconds in the dark, at 0°C (top) or at 23°C (bottom)