
DNA-mineral interactions at the molecular level: implications for bacterial evolution and ecological inference
Feb 8 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
DNA-mineral interactions at the molecular level: implications for bacterial evolution and ecological inference @ Zoom

Our Distinguished Panelist:

Karina Krarup Sand, PhD | Associate Professor at the Globe Institute, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen

Download the Event Flier HERE.


Extracellular DNA (eDNA) in the environment degrades rapidly unless adsorbed onto minerals, which enhances its stability. Currently there are vast amounts of DNA molecules preserved in our sediments. This mineral-bound DNA, although widely used to study past ecosystems, also poses significant implications for bacterial gene acquisition. By utilizing interfacial geochemistry, molecular level and bacterial approaches, this study explores (1) the role of mineral surfaces in DNA preservation in sediments and (2) the potential of soil bacteria to acquire mineral-adsorbed DNA through horizontal gene transfer (HGT).

The findings demonstrate that mineral surface properties substantially impact DNA stability, offering new insights into sedimentary DNA taphonomy. Understanding these interactions can enhance environmental DNA (eDNA) applications for ecosystem. Moreover, our data show that bacterial transformation of mineral-adsorbed DNA can lead to genetic diversity, and is influenced by mineral surface properties. These insights suggest that mineral-facilitated HGT could serve as a pathway for bacterial evolution, potentially affecting gene dispersal over extended temporal and spatial scales. In such an evolutionary scenario mineralogy and interfacial geochemical processes become central to the evolutionary process of maintaining fitness

Speaker Bio:

Karina Krarup Sand, PhD, is an Associate Professor at the Globe Institute, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, specializing in interdisciplinary research. Her work embodies a unique integration of geochemistry, microbiology, and evolutionary biology to understand and address pressing global health and environmental challenges. Sand’s pioneering research in these fields has established her as a leader in the study of processes at the intersection of environmental surfaces and life. Dr. Sand also serves as Chair for Globe’s Diversity Programme.

Her pioneering work in studying bio-mineral interactions at the molecular level has recently provided insight into parameters important for DNA preservation in sediments, and how sediments can be considered spatiotemporal gene archives for bacteria. Her work on studying the mechanisms driving bacterial uptake of genetic material stored on mineral surfaces link sedimentary processes to bacterial evolution. The work also provides an explanation for the observed extensive dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes in our environment and is directly relevant for mitigation strategies.

She is an advocate for collecting knowledge that is stored and curated in distinct research silos and co-founded the evolutionary geobiology consortium to drive knowledge collection aiming to address oncoming global threats to human and ecosystem health. Dr. Sand earned her MSc in Geology and her PhD in Chemistry from the University of Copenhagen. She has held various research and academic positions in Denmark, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Her career includes prestigious research fellowships. Her international experience has equipped her with a global perspective and an expansive network within the scientific community

Chemistry of Beer, Cheese, and Wine
Feb 8 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Chemistry of Beer, Cheese, and Wine

Presented by the CSU Chico Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Together with CSU Chico Women in STEM and the California Section of the American Chemical Society

Saturday, February 8th, 2025, 2 PM to 4 PM

Cal State University Chico, Colusa Hall 100 A/B

Space is limited; Register HERE for this FREE event.

Join us for *”Beer, Cheese & Wine”* – an exciting collaboration between CSU, Chico Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, CSU, Chico Women in STEM and the California Section of the American Chemical Society! Discover how chemistry plays a fascinating role in crafting the food and beverages we love. This event offers a unique opportunity to taste, learn, and connect over hors d’oeuvres, wine, and beer.

Our speakers are top experts in their fields: Aimee Sunseri of New Clairvaux Winery, Dr. Glen P. Fox, and Dr. Moshe Rosenberg from UC Davis. They’ll dive into the science and chemistry behind brewing, winemaking, and cheesemaking, sharing insights that will deepen your appreciation for each craft.

Download the Event Flier HERE.

Download the Campus Map.

Download the Campus Parking Map.

Beer, Cheese, Wine Panelists

Cal ACS Partners Networking Event – Accelerating Equity in Science
Feb 11 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Cal ACS Partners Networking Event – Accelerating Equity in Science @ Zoom and the Emeryville Public Market

Join Cal ACS and our partners for a free virtual networking event on February 11, 2024, 5:00 to 6:00 pm.

Register HERE for the Zoom meeting.

02-11-2025 IUPAC_GWB2025

Official IUPAC welcome!

Followed by the in-person event at the Emeryville Public Market, 6:30 to 8:00 pm.

Register HERE for the in-person event.

The goal of the Global Women’s Breakfast series is to establish an active network of people of all genders to overcome the barriers to gender equality in science. Over the last five years, more than 1500 GWB events have been held in 100 countries.

The California Local Section of ACS (Cal ACS) invites all students and professionals to join our annual “Cal ACS Partners Networking Event” as part of the global IUPAC GWB 2025 on February 11, 2025. Feedback from prior years indicates that this is a wonderful event to promote personal and professional networking.

Please circle the date on your calendar because February 11 also celebrates the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science”. The theme this year for GWB2025 is “Accelerating Equity in Science.”

This is a global event organized by IUPAC that was initiated during the International Year of Chemistry (IYC) when chemistry was celebrated in 2011. That year, roughly 100 breakfasts were organized involving almost 5,000 scientists (both men and women) from academia, industry, and government around the world.

Please email Marinda Wu with any questions. We hope you will join us for GWB 2025. If you are local, we would love to meet you in person as well as on Zoom.

Family Science Night at Bancroft Middle School
Feb 26 @ 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Family Science Night returns to Bancroft Middle School, one of our favorite venues in the East Bay, on Wednesday, February 26h, 2025! Mariana Alves will present the ever-popular Chemistry Show, where she will share the stage with the outreach team from the Lawrence Hall of Science.  We will fill the science classrooms with hands-on chemistry activities, and both experienced and new outreach volunteers are welcome.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Colorful Electrolysis